Yang's Acupuncture & Herbs
Ancient Traditions for 21st Century Health Care
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Our library is a growing collection of curated documents, links, media and original content. Here you'll find information we're confident can answer your questions about Traditional Chinese Medicine simply and accurately, while encouraging continued exploration and learning.

yin yang Scientific Research

Our growing collection of articles and scientific studies investigation the theory and efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Open Research Shelf

Five agents of change Classical Thought

Here we keep links to carefully curated translations of primary Chinese texts, along with interesting articles, criticism and related documentary media links you might enjoy.
Open Classical Shelf

tree treasures Acupuncture

Acupuncture is the ancient art of tuning and regulation the vital energies of the body for strength, healing and prevention of illness. Here is our growing list of excellent resources for your leaning and enjoyment.
Open Acupuncture Shelf

meridlan system Tui Na and Acupressure

Tui Na is an ancient Chinese form of bodywork that involves manual manipulation of joints, muscles and connective tissues, combined with acupressure on the meridian system. Here’s some fascinating reading.
Open Acupressure Shelf

tree treasures Healing Foods

Shiliao, or dietary therapy, is a mode of food culture rooted in ancient knowledge about the properties and effects of food on the human organism.
Open Healing Foods Shelf

meridlan system Herbal Medicine

With a vast and powerful pharmacopoeia, Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine is the sister healing modality to Acupuncture.
Open Herbal Medicine Shelf

tree treasures Exercise

Traditional Chinese Exercise culture dates back thousands of years. Here is our growing collection of articles and other media exploring all aspects of this fascinating subject.
Open Exercise Shelf

tree treasures Curricula

We place high value on self-education. Here you will find our growing curriculum of personal lessons to provide a theoretical background for the traditional Chinese healing arts.
Open Curricula Shelf

meridlan system How to

This section is dedicated hints, ideas and life hacks for incorporating traditional Chinese self-care into your daily routine.
Open How-To Shelf

Acupuncture, Herbal Treatments,
Tui Na / Acuupressure Therapy
(510) 827-2582
957 Dewing Avenue Suite 4
Lafayette, California 94549
Mons Weds Fris

Please call before 5:30pm for
an evening appointment